Affirmations to Transform Your Life in 2024

Affirmations to Transform Your Life in 2024

The definition of the word 'affirmation' is the assertion that something exists or is true. Affirmations are a powerful tool in our manifesting toolbox. If we speak an affirmation, we are stating that it exists or is true. Using affirmations is one of the best ways to...

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Manifest Your Dream Career

Manifest Your Dream Career

Are you bored or burned out at your current job? Need to get out of a toxic work environment? Want to make more money? Now is the time to explore powerful strategies to help you manifest your dream career!  Off we go….let's do it! Set Clear Intentions The first...

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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs – 7 Easy Steps

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs – 7 Easy Steps

What are limiting beliefs? During your lifetime, you have created beliefs about yourself and the world around you. Beliefs created by past experiences, society, social media, and your interpretations of events or situations. Unfortunately, often these beliefs can be...

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10 Habits to Master for Optimum Happiness

10 Habits to Master for Optimum Happiness

We could all use a happiness boost right now, right? We all know how important habits are in life. Habits can make or break us. Some of us float through life and don’t even realize the routines that we follow are keeping us stuck. We are on auto-pilot. Now is a good...

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