We do love October, don’t we?

Depending on where you live, you might be lucky enough to experience a season change. You may get to enjoy the trees changing from green to red, orange, and yellow.

The temperature starts to drop and we pull out our cozy sweaters and blankets to stay warm.

And then there’s Halloween. It’s the only time of year when it’s encouraged to go door to door and ask for stuff! But it’s so much fun.

It’s one of my favorite times of the year.

Some of the best things about October….let me know if you agree!

Haunted houses-some of these can be truly terrifying and I’m not sure my heart can take them anymore!
Sweater weather
Apple cider-I’ll take it either hot or cold, please
Apple cider donuts
Scary decorations

Kids in costumes-the creativity of some of these blow me away!
Scary movies
Costume parties
Ghost stories
Getting lost in a corn maze
Choosing the perfect pumpkin at the pumpkin patch

Roasted pumpkin seeds-check out this delicious recipe here
Full moons
Dogs in costumes
Cute ghosts

Did I miss anything? What’s your favorite part of October/Halloween?